Starter Kits for Letterpress PrintingNote: This is a new page - very much a work in progress. Please bear with us as we flesh it out, add links and images... - Alan 12/16/2018I've had a number of inquiries lately for "Starter Kits" So
I decided to put all of the information into one place rather than have
it scattered among many - often confusing pages of the web site. To that end, we have begun this "Starter Kits" web page to hopefully simplify the process of selecting just what you need to go with that press you just got - plus some interesting items which you may choose to add to make the printing experience just a little easier and a little more fun than it may otherwise be... Starter Kits fall into three categories
1. Basic Printing Kit Once you have a printing press - with good rollers, you will need the following items to actually use it:
In addition to the items in the Basic Printing Kit, if you print from photo-polymer plates, you will need:
(most of these items are not needed immediately, but could your life easier as you become more familiar with your press and use it more...)
Here are some of the things we manufacture here at the Excelsior Press Restoration Facilty at the Excelsior Press Museum Print Shop. We have set up an entire macine and wood-working shop to make these items and in which we restore Kelsey and other small presses. I'll add more info to the list below - and/or links to more information- as soon as I can get a round tuit... TOP We cast our own 20-durometer rubber ink rollers. TOP
We invented and make a paper clamp system for galley proof presses. and now, it has magnets embedded to hold it in place even without furniture and quoins... We make our own compressible "gauge pin" - although it's not really a pin, but it is the Excelsior Cushion Quad Guide Ink Knife Holders The Excelsior Chase-Base more info Composing Stick Holder Roller Bearers more info ... AND MORE TO COME These items can all be purchased through links on our Fundraising Page page last updated September, 2018