Equipment in use at the Excelsior Press Museum Print

Extreme MakeReady
to make impression where it counts

Essays & Articles & Frequently Asked  Questions

Before reading this, we suggest you review Basic Makeready

I have recently defined a technique that I and students like to describe as  "Extreme Make Ready" - perhaps better described as "multi-level makeready".

This technique - which my students love - consists of increasing packing radically behind a select area of the form - to make, as in one recent case - the couple's name stand out with an extraordinarily deep impression, while the other elements (like a fine image of a tree and a few line of small text in particular) printed with the appropriate amount of pressure to make them crisp and sharp.

In past conversations about makeready, the focus was on balancing pressures to enhance the visual image only - with no thought to incorporating the extreme impression so popular in today's stationary market.

But that extreme "punch" impression is not a good idea for a number of reasons; It's not good for the press; it's not good for an image containing strong and light elements; and it's hell on detailed images.

You don't have to make a deep impression on all areas of your printed piece. In fact, having a variety of depths of impression will make your piece look even better - and will also make it stand out among the competition.

Competent, careful, Extreme Multi-level MakeReady can make your life easier, extend the life of your press and result in a better finished piece - one that gives your client the effect they were looking for.

last updated  7/28/2012
contact Alan with Questions