This web site has grown
without much serious planning since it was begun almost
20 years ago. We have been busy.... But I guess
it's time to improve navigation as they say, so here's
an attempt at a usable directory...
This page is a work in progress. SKIP TO the old
If you don't
find it here... google it using the search form
(Google knows
this site better than it's author does!)
- To Learn about
letterpress printing -
"It's not just printing, it's
- To
Study Historical References and
Learn Technical Details
- To find a
printing press for yourself or
your school
- To
find parts
or supplies for a press
you already have
- To
Repair or Restore your own
- To contact Alan
Runfeldt or one of our friends
- Other
- Web site search:
Note: while we
are updating our links to these new
directories, the old "index.inner.html" page
will continue to offer all of our local links
and some external links as well.